THE Tonkin Highway corridor upgrade aimed to remove two recognised traffic light congestion points have left some Kalamunda residents worried it will also negatively impact access on Hale Road.
Kalamunda resident Milton White has been in contact with Main Roads for years, asking for attention on road problems near the Hale Road and Tonkin Highway intersection.
Mr White said although two public meetings have secured some changes, another was needed as construction was imminent and there were concerns that remained unresolved.
“Main Roads, in my opinion have not shown on their animated video the true effect of how their plan will impact Forrestfield residences,” he said.
“People will have to plan their way to approach Hale Road from the west all the way back at Kewdale Road.
“This is a busy section of Tonkin Highway as traffic has to negotiate how they get onto Roe Highway heading south amid traffic wanting to head for Midland, traffic coming into the mix from Abernethy Road and now those wanting to turn left onto Hale Road and into Forrestfield.
“This is so complicated when the current access works.
“I’ve spoken to sitting Forrestfield Labor MP Steven Price through his representative who seems satisfied with what Main Roads is planning, saying it will be a big improvement.
“The big improvement will be traffic not having to come to a stop at the present intersection, but the problem for us, the residents of Forrestfield, comes down to our access.”
Mr White contacted Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti’s office asking to retain access and received a letter at the beginning of 2025 notifying him the inclusion of south facing ramps to and from Hale Road wasn’t supported.
“The inclusion of south facing ramps to and from Hale Road has been thoroughly considered, but is not supported for the following reasons: resumption of private land, including residential properties; impacts to Veteran Car Club of WA; clearing of bush forever sites; impacts to Welshpool Reserve (Maamba Reserve), a DPLH registered Aboriginal place; major impacts to existing utility services (gas and water) on the eastern side of Tonkin Highway and at the corner of Tonkin Highway and Hale Road and increased vegetation clearing in Hartfield Park, which contains conservation categorybushland and threatened ecological communities,” it read.
“Upon completion of the project, motorists travelling from Forrestfield onto Tonkin Highway South, can use Hale Road to travel to Welshpool Road East and then to the new interchange at Tonkin Highway and Welshpool Road East.
“With the removal of the traffic signals at the Tonkin Highway and Welshpool Road intersection, journeys into and out of Wattle Grove are expected to be more efficient than they are at present.”