Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes and Tourism Minister Rita Saffioti.

Tourism red tape slashed

A new committee led by Tourism Minister Rita Saffioti seeks to cut the red tape around tourism investment within WA.
February 29, 2024

A NEWLY established Tourism Investment committee of Cabinet has a huge potential for the hills, according to Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes.

Led by the state’s tourism minister Rita Saffioti, the new committee’s focus includes setting investment priorities and streamlining decision-making processes across the government.

“There are a number of government agencies and portfolios that have key decision-making roles when it comes to delivering tourism projects and investment, and this new committee will allow us to drive better coordination and overcome known barriers,” Ms Saffioti said.

“To support the new committee, we will be establishing a dedicated team within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, and Science and Innovation – whose only responsibility will be to work with industry to identify new projects, develop investment pathways, and action the priorities of the new committee.”

Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes called the committee a great step forward after he has been lobbying some time for higher levels of coordination amongst tourism policy.

“The potential for tourism development in the Perth Hills is huge,” he said.

“The committee will make sure that government agencies collaborate to achieve government priorities.

“The identification of an executive team in the Department of Jobs, Tourism and Science and Innovation gives businesses a single contact point.”

Ms Saffioti said the dedicated team will also include seconded subject matter experts from various regulatory and delivery agencies on an as-needed basis.

“By providing a more attractive and streamlined environment, with faster approvals, we can open up development opportunities, secure more investment in WA tourism, and grow our economy in the years ahead,” she said.

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