Preliminary construction works have begun on the new Forrestfield police station. Picture: Andrew Williams

Work starts on revamped Forrestfield cop shop

The works are due to be completed this year with the new police station operational by the end of the year.
January 11, 2024
Gera Kazakov

PRELIMINARY construction works have begun on the revamped Forrestfield police complex.

The upgraded station will see the police complex moved onto the site of the old Forrestfield library, on the corner of Strelitzia Avenue and Salix Way – right next to the current police station.

The planning report estimates works to cost $14.5 million, with the current station to remain operational during construction, before its expected demolition during the later stages of construction to make way for an updated secure vehicle compound.

Forrestfield Police station officer in charge and senior sergeant Brad Robinson said the current police station will still be open Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.

“The area next door will be under construction but that will have no effect on the operational hours of the current station,” he said.

The planning report states that the revamped station will have the same look and feel as other police stations across the state, with the Forrestfield design based on the revamped Baldivis station.

“A key objective of the WA police force is for all future stations to have the same look and feel, thereby enabling staff to readily and easily assimilate into a new environment,” the report said.

The works are due to be completed this year with the new police station operational by the end of the year.

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