A map showing the location of the screen production facility.

Works underway at film studio site

Preparation works for the Whiteman screen production facility have begun and are expected to be complete in 2024.
December 14, 2023
Anita McInnes

WORKS at the site of the proposed film studio on Marshall Road, near the Malaga station precinct have started.

The work preparing the site for the future construction of a screen production facility, includes site establishment, surveying, fill, bulk earthworks and drainage is expected to be completed in late 2024.

Meanwhile, Planning Minister John Carey has approved metropolitan region scheme (MRS) amendment 1403/57 to transfer 15.7ha in Whiteman from the parks and recreation reservation to the public purposes-special uses reservation in the MRS.

The amendment also zones 1.72ha to urban to provide for the widening of Marshall Road and alignment with the abutting zoning.

The amendment – classified as minor, which means a shorter advertising period, not having to be placed before Parliament (for 12 sitting days) and no requirement for submitters to be offered hearings  – was advertised for public submissions from May 5 to July 7.

A Western Australian Planning Commission report on the Whiteman production screen facility said 14 submissions (including one late submission) were received on the amendment.

No supporting submissions were received – three objections and 11 submissions of general comments, non-objection or no comment were received.

Some submissions said Whiteman Park was Lew Whiteman’s legacy as a park for the public and for wildlife and that the screen production facility should be built somewhere other than Whiteman Park.

One submitter came to Australia in 2016 and said they were proud to be close to Whiteman Park.

“The submitter enjoys passing by Marshall Road and seeing the kangaroos and other wildlife,’’ the report said.

“Lew Whiteman left this to the government as a public park and for wildlife, it’s sad that the government has not honoured this legacy.

“It’s already being used for Metronet and now the screen production facility.’’

A Bennett Springs resident raised concerns about the screen production facility site in relation to water draining into Bennett springs and the possibility of earthworks destroying the natural system.

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