YDAC archers enjoying their sport.

York Archery celebrates first anniversary

The club shoots fortnightly at the archery range next to Talbot Hall on alternate Saturdays and Sundays to accommodate family schedules.
June 27, 2024

YORK and Districts Archery Club (YDAC) recently celebrated its first anniversary with a fortnightly shoot at Talbot near York.

The club holds regular monthly two-hour beginner lessons with experienced instructors and equipment included in the fees.

“It’s been a great year with new friendships, and we welcome new members, adults, youth and children to join our growing membership,” said YDAC president Albert Gentleman.

“It’s been hard work, but thanks to our committee and volunteer helpers we have managed a five-target practice range, a 20-24 target course and a shorter 10-target blue course.”

The club shoots fortnightly at the archery range next to Talbot Hall on Talbot Hall Rd on alternate Saturdays and Sundays to accommodate family schedules.

“Besides the fortnightly shoots at our range, over the past year we have held many events, at local festivals, ‘come & try’ days’ at Talbot and Brookton, and are planning more, with one coming to York soon,” Mr Gentleman said.

“Add to this our WA Interclub Invite and fun shoots with special novelty events such as shooting at balloons with Easter eggs in them, hitting a fast-moving target on a zip-line or a swinging pendulum, and a speed shoot, scoring all eight close targets within a minute.”

He said YDAC’s main objective was to have fun, score better over time, and hold social events with a relaxing atmosphere to get you out into the bush and enjoy.

Local supporters include the Shire of York, Bendigo Community Bank, IGA, local businesses, CWA and York Men’s Shed as well as Bunnings, CBH, Darren West MLC and Mia Davies MLA, Northam.

All ages are welcome, so book ahead or come and visit to see what it’s all about.

To keep updated on events and lessons follow YDAC on Facebook or email: yorkwaarchery@gmail.com

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