York Business Association updates

The Shire of York has asked the York Business Association to take over the publication of the York Business Directory.
July 18, 2024
Peter W Lewis

THE recent York Business Association (YBA) AGM was well attended and office bearers for the next year were elected.

The elected team consists of president Karen Thomas, treasurer Guy Lehmann, minutes secretary Rebecca Marwick and committee members Nola Bliss, Vicki Forward, Cherie Wallis, Lisa Buckingham and Roger Hayes.

Following the AGM, Jo Bryant provided an update on the York Festival, while economic development guru Rebecca Atkinson talked about the film releases of both The Twelve and Runt, which will put York on the global stage.

The YBA is working on their next forums including tourism with a speaker from Destination Perth on August 12, with a 6pm start followed by the importance of ‘Work life balance’ in difficult trading times, and then social media, ‘friend or foe’.

“The biggest news and potential work load is that the Shire of York have asked the YBA to take over the publication of the York Business Directory,” president Karen Thomas said.

“After the debacle last year over the book and all the associated dramas with our CRC the shire, although they have taken over the CRC, simply do not have the resources to take on this project.”
She said as most directories in the regions are published by Chambers of Commerce it made sense for the YBA to take it on.

“Although it will be a big job for a group that is purely run by unpaid volunteers,” she said.

“Our AGM agreed it is an important publication for the town and has invaluable information for residents.

f we want people to shop locally we need to give them as much information as possible, so we will work at making the directory a lot more informative for everyone and hopefully substantially increase the advertising revenue and give better value for our advertisers.”

For directory enquiries call 0418 936 214.

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