The survey will remain open until June 30, and each participant will be entered into a draw to win one of three $100 gift vouchers.

Youth Pride Network survey closing

The report will offer actionable recommendations tailored for healthcare practices, institutions, and governmental bodies.
June 27, 2024

A YOUTH Pride Network survey to capture the experiences of young LGBTIQA+ individuals within WA's healthcare system will close at the end of the month.

The surveys will remain open until June 30, and each participant will be entered into a draw to win one of three $100 gift vouchers.

The insights gathered from these surveys will play a crucial role in identifying both the challenges and opportunities within the healthcare system as part of a ‘State of Play’ report.

The report will offer actionable recommendations tailored for healthcare practices, institutions, and governmental bodies.

These recommendations are designed to improve the inclusivity and well-being of young LGBTIQA+ individuals as they navigate the healthcare system in Western Australia.

The public surveys are open to LGBTIQA+ young people aged 12-25, parents, carers or guardians of young LGBTIQA+ people and healthcare workers.

The survey is available at

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