West Coast Fever player Sunday Aryang. Picture: Mia Mammoliti/Clixbymia

Fever’s third quarter sets up win

West Coast Fever's Jhaniele Fowler-Nembhard’s goal in the first 10 seconds of the third quarter set the tone for the second half.
July 4, 2024

SUNDAY Aryang played goal defence for the first half before moving to wing defence in the second half in West Coast Fever’s 68-65 win over the Giants on the weekend.

Giants goal shooter Jo Harten’s opening goal set the momentum for the start of the game, with the opposition controlling the first quarter, which they won 21-18.

Jhaniele Fowler-Nembhard didn’t let the defensive pressure of Matilda McDonell bother her, working around the goal keeper to earn herself 16 goals for the quarter.

It was a Sunshine Girls match off between Shanice Beckford in goal attack and Jodi-Ann Ward in goal defence.

The international teammates certainly left their allegiance off the court, Beckford took two goals and nine centre pass receives for the quarter.

The Giants maintained their lead in the second quarter, motivating Fever’s defence to work even harder and absolutely shine for the rest of the game.

Kadie Ann-Dehaney was on fire with her defensive pressure in goals, taking four deflections for the quarter, alongside captain Jess Anstiss’ two and Sunday Aryang’s one.

Alice Teague-Neeld took 13 feeds for the quarter, working her way around the mid court with partner Jordan Cransberg, both were completely switched on in defence and attack.

Fever trailed by eight goals at half time with the score 41-33 in the Giants’ favour.

Coming back from half time, Fever knew what they had to do, with Fowler-Nembhard’s goal in the first 10 seconds of the third quarter setting the tone for the second half.

Fran Williams was a powerhouse in defence with two intercept and a rebound, limiting the shooting capabilities of Sophie Dwyer to shorten the margin.

Dehaney’s consistency in defence made Harten’s job much harder.

Some first-class defence and errors on the ball from the Giants meant that Fever found their momentum to win the quarter 53-50 giving them a three-goal lead at quarter time.

A tight final quarter had 10,015 Green Army fans on the edge of their seats.

Anstiss’ intercept and deflection helped control the midcourt, alongside Teague-Neeld’s eight feeds, taking her to a total of 47 for the game.

Fever’s defence continued to excel, with both Dehaney and Williams working together to produce a held ball off a Giants’ super shot attempt, their efforts enabling the team to fight for and secure the win.

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