Pickering Brook held onto their lead, beating the Saints by 113 points.

Hawks too strong for Saints

Pickering Brook Hawks keep their lead
June 20, 2024
Brian Pallister

IT was another tough week for Bullsbrook when they took on reigning premiers Pickering Brook, who were sitting undefeated on top of the ladder.

Losing by 113 points, 20-19 (139) to 4-2 (26), and hit by injury, Bullsbrook came into the game with only 17 available players.

James Thompson had the lone role of carrying the Saints’ ruck with no other options available, and again put in a very competitive performance against two taller opponents.

Steven Caccetta read the drop of the ball from the ruck contests: kicking the ball forward where Brett Wolfenden, Michael Brescacin and Jamie Soklich were taking turns at kicking goals.

George Schneider and Sheldon Aplin could do little to halt the Hawks’ continuous attacks and by the first break, the Hawks were 4-0 up.

The Saints had been getting the ball to half forward but subsequently breaking down. After Rory Crosby and George Schneider were moved forward to offer marking targets, the Saints finally broke through for their first goal.

The Hawks then switched up a gear, peppering the goals for a six-goal, seven-behind quarter return.

Mitch Shilling along with Mitchell Johnston and Riley Thompson began from deep in the backline to where Angelo Vallis, Adam Brescacin and Jack Giancomo were controlling the centreline, and pinpointed the leading forwards from there.
The Saints had their best quarter for the game with three goals in the third, while keeping the Hawks to four.
George Schneider managed another goal and Declan Vince chimed in for one, while Shane Gray snapped one out of mid-air.

Riley Thompson has become one of Pickering Brooks’ key back men after spending most of his first 100-odd games up forward.

This transition has provided the Hawks with a strong marking defender and his reliable efforts were rewarded with the “Think Mental Health” match ball.

Christian Huggins and Jorden Heally combined with Jaiden Fernie and James Thompson to be Bullsbrook’s major contributors.

Pickering Brook had a longer list, with Brett Wolfenden (six goals), and Michael Brescacin and Jamie Soklich (five each).

Steven Caccetta along with Adam Brescacin were ball magnets all day.

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