THE 2025 Hills Football Association (HFA) season is due to start on Sunday, April 6.
HFA is an Australian Rules competition consisting of clubs from the Perth Hills – Bullsbrook, Chidlow, Gidgegannup, Mt Helena, Mundaring, Swan View and Pickering Brook.
This year the Bullsbrook club is calling for new players to help fill its ranks.
The association is approaching its 80th year after starting in 1946, the year following World War II.
The inaugural clubs were formed from towns within the hills area along the Kalgoorlie railway line, giving those communities a connection after some very difficult years.
In round one Swan View takes on Pickering Brook, Chidlow plays Gidgegannup and Mt Helena plays Mundaring while Bullsbrook has the bye.
HFA supports the Belt Up round, which will this year be held in round six on May 18.
Think Mental Health is held on June 22 – a dedicated round for suicide awareness across the whole country football league.