Helena River regeneration project plants 3000 trees

A partnership between volunteers and schoolchildren saw 3000 seedlings planted as part of a Helena River regeneration project.
August 10, 2023

OVER the weekend Helena River Steiner School partnered with internationally renowned volunteer organisation Green S Force to finish planting 3000 seedlings as part of the school’s ecology and regeneration education program.

The school was successful in receiving a 2023 Swan Alcoa Landcare Program grant to start a riverbank regeneration project on the beautiful Mandoon Bilya (Helena River), which runs along the back of the school’s property.

The school community and students have already planted 2000 of the trees along the riverbank at the back of the school, just down the road from Trillion Trees, who supplied the seedlings.

School coordinator Catherine Vann said the school was grateful to Alcoa and the Perth Natural Resources Management team who oversee the grants.

She said this was an incredible opportunity to bring the notion of land care and regeneration of waterways to students and community, and to be part of an international effort by the Green S Force volunteer group in its global mission assisting with tree planting and other conservation and humanitarian projects.


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