High Wycombe’s Lincoln is the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation spring appeal ambassador.

Lincoln is on a mission to make kids breathe easy

Lincoln is one of many young Western Australians rushed to hospital in respiratory distress this winter.
August 24, 2023

TWO-and-a-half-year-old Lincoln of High Wycombe is on a mission to raise money for the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation and help more WA children breathe easy.

Lincoln is one of the thousands of young Western Australians rushed to hospital in respiratory distress this winter.

Born with four airway disorders, Lincoln’s small passages are ‘floppy’, which often leaves him fighting for each breath.

As this year’s Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation (PCHF) spring appeal ambassador, Lincoln, alongside his sister Isla and mum Jorden are on a mission to raise awareness and funds for world-class respiratory research and programs for WA children.

Lincoln’s mum, Jorden said for kids like Lincoln with underlying medical conditions, every breath can become a battle when they get sick.

“He also has several other medical conditions, including autism and digestive issues that make daily life a struggle.

“So far this year, he’s already caught influenza A twice, as well as coronavirus and bronchiolitis. He’s been hospitalised and is on preventative antibiotics given every four hours, because there’s always that danger that each little sniffle will spiral into something far more serious.”

On August 7, the WA Health Department reported that emergency departments were hit with their busiest day of winter so far, as cases of flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continue to surge.

National health department data shows the highest numbers of flu cases are among those aged five to nine, under fours and tweens aged 10 to 14.

Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation chief executive officer Carrick Robinson said for many WA kids, the seasonal change into spring can also signal a time of serious illness.

“Like Lincoln, other kids with a range of underlying medical conditions, such as asthma or cystic fibrosis are much more vulnerable to respiratory distress when they pick up a virus.

“Spring can be one of the worst times because of a surge in the common cold virus, rhinovirus. A simple sniffle for one child, might put another in the intensive care unit or lead to a more serious infection such as pneumonia.

“By donating to the spring appeal, you can help give kids with breathing difficulties like Lincoln, access to advanced breathing equipment and technology and game-changing respiratory research.”

The appeal kicks off this week, and runs up until Friday, September 29.

Help WA kids breathe easy by donating at pchf.org.au/spring

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