Pastor John Horvath has returned from Africa, and is now running free health checks around the hills.

Health checks inbound

Fresh after returning from Africa, Pr John Horvath has moved onto his next project – free health expos from the community.
October 19, 2023

PASTOR John Horvath, in partnership with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency and Adventist Health, has returned from Africa and is now running three free health expos across the hills in November.

Running from 10am to 3pm, the health expos will teach attendees the benefits of healthy eating and feature a plant-based food cooking demonstration – which attendees are encouraged to try as well.

Pr Horvath said that the aim of the workshops was to remind people of how easy it was to eat healthy, because eating healthier food was easier to metabolise and contained less fat, less cholesterol and was high in fibre.

Attendees will also be able to get a massage, health assessments and their blood pressure and glucose levels checked too.

The health expos will be at Forrestfield Hall, Mundaring Hall and Chidlow Hall.

The expos come after Pr Horvath just returned from a two-month trip to Sudan, Ethiopia, and Burundi to help those in need.

“We had thousands come out to the program and helped hundreds of kids with their sores – sores on their legs, we run out of band-aids and dettol, so we had to use tea tree oil to bring healing,” he said.

He said he was lucky to be close to Sudan’s southern border, keeping him away from the conflict which reignited in the capital of Khartoum, where he said nearly 1000 people have died.

He said during his time in Africa he helped teach the sick how to treat themselves and bought clothes to those most in need.

“We provided a lot of clothing, a lot of children only have one shirt that’s full of holes and dirty,” he said.

“It’s a very riching experience to go overseas, leave your comfort zone and I’d encourage others who are looking for a purpose in life, and a mission, to maybe consider going overseas.”

Pr Horvath said he will be returning to Africa in January next year and encourages anyone who wishes to help to come and join him.

For more information about the health expos or helping in Africa call Pastor John on 0429 761 159.

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