Councillors rejected the proposed school due to traffic and safety concerns.

Swan councillors against school in commercial area

A proposal for a school in Malaga's commercial area was rejected by the City of Swan October at the ordinary council meeting.
October 19, 2023
Anita McInnes

CITY of Swan councillors have voted against the establishment of an Islamic school on 9000 Masonry Way in Malaga due to concerns about traffic in the commercial area.

AFIC Schools WA has applied to the Metro Outer joint development assessment panel for approval to build stage 1 of a four-stage K-12 independent school with 200m of road frontage to Masonry Way.

The site is bound by general industrial lots to the north, east and south.

The responsible authority report before the council on October 11 showed the development was valued at $15 million.

A motion against the proposal said even without a school in the area, Masonry Way had cars parked on either side of the road, cars on verges and cars on sharp corners.

Retiring Mayor David Lucas said he could not support the school going ahead in that location but said he would like to work with the board to find other locations.

Cr Lucas said it defied common sense and was not good planning to put a school, especially a primary school, in a commercial area.

During consultation letters were sent to owners and occupiers within a 100m radius and notification was provided to the Whiteman ward councillors at the start of the consultation period.

During the public consultation 18 submissions were received with 17 objections and one supportive submission from ATCO Gas Australia.

The site was part of the Brickworks Malaga manufacturing facility until it closed in 2016.

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