When calling for public comment on its proposal the City of Swan said enabling public space for dogs is a complex issue.

City of Swan proposes dog ban areas

The City of Swan says creating public space for dogs is a complex issue with urban density placing increased pressure on parklands and reserves.
November 16, 2023
Anita McInnes

TO deal with issues caused by dogs on sports grounds at Lilac Hill and Ellenbrook open district space the City of Swan is proposing some areas where dogs will be banned.

The city proposes prohibiting dogs at Ellenbrook open district space (EODS) south but allowing a dog off-lead exercise area at EODS north.

At Lilac Hill the city wants to ban dogs at both the playgrounds but allow two nearby dog off lead exercise areas.

It also wants two prohibited areas north and south of the Midland Guildford Cricket Club.

On Facebook Jasmine Pattison of Caversham said everyone should be able to enjoy the space.

“The proposed off lead dog areas flood in the winter and the area closer to the river is covered in bindies in the summer,’’ she said.

“When the ovals aren’t being used for sports why can’t they be used by everyone else.

“It’s a public park.’’

Lynsey Tengalia of The Vines said that dogs should never have been allowed at EODS on the artificial playing surfaces and the proposal was long overdue.

“Many times I would have to remove poo from the pitches before the kids could kick off and being artificial turf it was just completely disgusting.’’

Sue Hurt of Henley Brook said the proposed ban was only for the two areas, which was a common sense first approach because the map showed an area of sport-related playing fields and another area nearby designated for off lead.

“Why would you want young people or any sports people playing...and having dogs run out and attack them or attack the ball or have (animal) manure on the playgrounds,’’ she said.

“You have to have protection for both animal and human and I think it’s a community work safety issue.”

When calling for public comment the city said enabling public space for dogs was a complex issue, with urban density placing increasing pressure on parklands and reserves.

The post said dog exercise areas were an important element of the urban environment but with increasing housing densities, there was a growing need to ensure dogs had areas to experience off leash excitement.

“Being able to exercise and socialise with other dogs helps their physical and mental health and desensitises them to the sounds and smells of the busy environment surrounding them,’’ the post said.

“But, people exercising, families picnicking and community and sports events all bring differing opinions on the suitability of dogs interacting in these activities and spaces.

“In these spaces the safety of others and the dogs themselves depends on pooch owners being both responsible and respectful of good dog park etiquette.’’

The city said feedback received during a consultation in December 2021 to January 2022 on dog exercise areas, highlighted that due to the diversity of parks, reserves and their respective usage within each suburb, a “blanket approach” to dog exercise areas was not deemed acceptable.

To see the proposed areas visit https://swanengage.swan.wa.gov.au/dogofflead – the respective surveys close on Wednesday, December 6.

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