Illegal dumping in Caversham.

Illegal dumping creates eyesore

The City of Swan says it has limited control in the management of charity bins on private land.
January 25, 2024

THE company which owns a set of charity bins in Caversham says unprecedented amounts of illegal dumping is the cause of excessive build-up of rubbish in front of their bins.

The bins in question are on Waldeck Road in Caversham and are run by E’Co Australia Pty Ltd, who said that Caversham was not the only site experiencing dumping.

“We are seeing unprecedented amounts of illegal dumping all over the metro area made worse by individuals who are raiding the bins by pulling out the clothing and just leaving it on the ground,” a spokesperson for the company said.

“E’co are taking radical steps to stop this anti-social behaviour and it is costing a lot of money to do so.”

City of Swan deputy mayor Ian Johnson said the city had been in contact with E’Co, who have conducted a clean-up of the site.

“The city has limited control in the management of these bins as they are on private land,” he said.

“While we have received some complaints over the holiday period, it is ultimately up to the operator of the bins to keep the area tidy.

“We encourage people to be considerate of the community when choosing what items to donate and where to donate them.

“Illegal dumping, including near donation bins, is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.”

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