Health and Mental Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said it was in the public interest to assist the most vulnerable.

Safe Night Space shelter approved

Vulnerable women will be able to find safe shelter with the newly approved location in Northbridge.
June 27, 2024

THE Perth women’s shelter in Northbridge has been granted temporary approval to operate while construction of the Ruah Centre for Women & Children is completed.

The Safe Night Space facility at 247-249 James Street, Northbridge provides essential support service for vulnerable women, including those escaping domestic violence.

Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson today finalised a review of a planning application for the Safe Night Space at 247-249 James Street in Northbridge.

Ruah Community Services, who previously ran the service from the Rod Evans Community Centre in East Perth, sought temporary approval from the City of Perth to use the James Street premises for continuation of the program.

Under legislative powers, the proposal was called-in for Ministerial determination following the City of Perth’s decision to force a number of conditions on the facility.

Health and Mental Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said after careful consideration through the proper process, she had resolved to approve the application including varied conditions.

Submissions were received from both the applicant and the City of Perth, noting that the City of Perth also sought to expand their proposed conditions as part of this process.

“The proposal warrants resolution based on planning merits, and in the public interest, to ensure continuity of essential support services for vulnerable women,” Ms Sanderson said.

“The decision provides clarity and certainty for Ruah to be able to operate the Safe Night Space service and continue providing support to the vulnerable women who use it.

“After carefully considering the submissions put forward, I have affirmed my approval for this development application with revised conditions to ensure the safe and responsible operations and management of the Safe Night Space.

“Full consideration was given to a range of planning considerations and I am pleased that this critical, safe service for women in crisis can now resume operations.

“It is in the public interest that we are able to support these vulnerable members of our community and ensure they are not at further risk of assault, abuse, health or mental health issues.”

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