City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson with a Republic of Singapore Air Force officer. Picture: ABIS Rikki-Lea Phillips

Pearce Base flight activity to increase

The community met with Air Force officers last month to discuss the new flight training in Bullsbrook for the coming months.
July 4, 2024
Anita McInnes

BULLSBROOK will experience increased fighter aircraft activity for the next few months at the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Pearce.

Over the course of about four months, the base will host training with an extended fighter detachment (EFD) from the Republic of Singapore Air Force.

The EFD will be supported by about 120 personnel for training operations in three sequences over the June to October 2024 period.

Air force members will be using three different types of fighter aircraft from Singapore during the training in addition to aircraft already based at Pearce.

The first sequence started on June 24 and runs to July 15, and will not involve any night flying activity, but nighttime flying is scheduled to start on August 26 and end on October 2.

A Defence spokesperson said while every opportunity to reduce impacts to the local community will be taken, flying is subject to change due to variables such as air traffic control requirements, weather, and other considerations.

“Defence is aware that these operations will increase aircraft noise and may impact local residents in the Bullsbrook, West Bullsbrook, Ellenbrook, Aveley, The Vines, Lancelin, Gingin and Yanchep communities,” they said.

“Defence is open and honest about aircraft noise experienced by residents living near bases and training areas and is committed to reducing noise while balancing operational and training requirements.”

As part of the community engagement effort, RAAF Pearce Base Commander Wing Commander Greg Porche attended the last Bullsbrook Residents and Ratepayers Association (BRRA) meeting.

He then hosted a Base Pearce meet and greet between the Singaporean detachment and the Swan community last Friday afternoon where members of BRRA, Bullsbrook Landcare, Bullsbrook and Districts Museum, Bullsbrook Community Men’s Shed, Bullseye Youth Centre, City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson and councillor Aaron Bowman attended.

BRRA president Anne Janes said the meet and greet was an enjoyable event and the Singaporean pilots were happy to be in WA.

“Greg Porche has made a concerted effort to reassure the Bullsbrook community that the RSAF training will be undertaken with the utmost sensitivity, and they will endeavour to reduce the amount of noise made by the F15’s and F16’s as much as they can,” she said.

“So, the afterburners will be cut as soon as possible once the planes have gained enough height and once they are in the air, they will head out to the ocean to undertake their training exercises; they will not fly over the land any more than they have to.”

Mrs Janes said the community has been updated via the BRRA Facebook page and other platforms and the reaction to the EDF arrival has been welcoming.

“The response from the community so far has really been an overwhelming, ‘bring it on’,” she said.

“There may be a change of heart once the RSAF undertakes some night flying which is all part of their training, so we shall see.

“Greg Porche told me that there would be more opportunities for the community to meet and greet the crews when it’s possible to do so.”

For more information on upcoming flight schedules, visit the Air Force page or call 1300 333 362.

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