Nationals leader David Littleproud said the party's first action would be to reinstate the live sheep export trade as they fully supported sheep farmers .

No support for sheep farmers until after the federal election

Live sheep export farmers won’t be receiving financial relief during the shutdown until after the federal election, according to The Nationals
November 7, 2024

LIVE sheep export farmers being forced to shut down their crucial trade will not be given even one cent of support until after the next election.

Labor has told Senate Estimates its transition package for farmers won’t roll out until July, 2025, despite farmers starting to change production cycles now and significant reduction in sheep prices from Labor’s decision.

Of the $139.7 million package, just $900,000 had been spent, but that amount had gone towards administration costs.

“Labor’s transition package for farmers won’t see the light of day until the next financial year and well after the next federal election,” federal Nationals leader David Littleproud said.

“This funding will come years after Labor initially announced it will end the trade. It is another delay in support for our farmers, who are having their livelihoods taken away.

“The Nationals fully support our live sheep export farmers and as our first action will reinstate the trade.

“We know our farmers want to keep their industry, not lose it with an insulting and delayed transition package.

“Labor has turned its back on the farming industry and has treated our live sheep farmers with nothing but contempt.”

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