City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson with 2024 winners young community citizen Isaac Bhalsod, community citizen Mechelle Turvey (accepted by her mother Liz) and senior community citizen Janice O'Shea.

Call for Swan citizen award nominations

Nominations are now open for the 2025 community citizen of the year awards celebrating Swan residents who’ve made a difference.
October 24, 2024

IT’S time to recognise local champions who have made the City of Swan a better place to live, work and visit by nominating them for the 2025 community citizen of the year awards.

Nominations are open to acknowledge an individual or community group that has made a significant contribution, demonstrated leadership, introduced a significant initiative or displayed inspiring qualities as a role model for the community.

There are four categories, community citizen of the year, young community citizen of the year, senior community citizen of the year and active citizenship – group or event.

The 2024 citizen of the year winners were Mechelle Turvey and Robyn Pickrell, who were nominated for their community advocacy.

City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson said the city was full of uncelebrated champions who deserve to be in the spotlight.

“Our community is built on the incredible and selfless work of individuals and groups who make our wonderful community even better,” she said.

“While these people often don’t contribute for the accolades, we want to acknowledge and celebrate them to raise awareness about their efforts and hopefully inspire others to follow.

“Think of your family members, friends, neighbours, or someone you have met in passing and tell us about the great things they have done so we can acknowledge them.”

Awards will be announced at the City of Swan’s 2025 Australia Day citizenship ceremony.
Nominations close on October 31, 2024.

For full details and to nominate, go to

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