Shire of Mundaring councillors are yet to make a decision about the controversial signs. Picture: Andrew Williams

Call to modify park LED signs

The three LED noticeboards were installed in December last year to improve promotion of community events.
October 12, 2023
Andrew Williams

A RECOMMENDATION has been made to the Shire of Mundaring to modify three controversial community notice boards after receiving strong opposition from community groups.

According to the shire the three LED noticeboards were installed in December last year to improve promotion of community events and complement existing communication platforms sharing information on emergency warnings, burning periods and community engagement opportunities.

The locations are Sculpture Park in Mundaring, Pioneer Park in Mt Helena and Morgan John Morgan Reserve in Glen Forrest.

However, after reviewing community feedback a recommendation was made in the September 12 ordinary council meeting to paint the signs green, swap the shire logo and the screen, so the screen is closer to the ground, and for the Morgan John Morgan Reserve noticeboard to be relocated to Brown Park in Swan View.

The recommendations will not be discussed until the next ordinary council meeting on Tuesday, November 14.

The proposed changes to the noticeboards are estimated to cost about $3500 each, and the relocation of the Morgan John Morgan Reserve noticeboard is estimated to cost a further $10,000, which includes the rehabilitation of the existing site.

Brown Park was suggested as a potential alternative site as it is a significant community hub within the shire containing two ovals, a recreation centre, various community buildings and a playground which would attract a lot of foot traffic that would be able to view the community messages that are displayed.

Echo News (Bright idea cops removal petition, April 14) reported that Glen Forrest residents in particular were vocally against the noticeboard in Morgan John Morgan Park and the Glen Forrest Resident and Ratepayers Association received almost 500 signatures for a petition to remove the sign.

The main concerns raised by the Glen Forrest residents were a lack of communication and feedback during the implementation process, the aesthetic of the signs themselves and the $150,000 price tag for the three signs.

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