Save the Children volunteer Cheryle Butler. Picture: Jacki Elezovich

Cheryle volunteers to save the children

A Malaga volunteer gave insight into what she loves about volunteering.
May 23, 2024
Jacki Elezovich

CHERYLE Butler has been volunteering with Save the Children for almost eight years. 

Previously stationed in an op shop, Ms Butler now works in Save the Children’s Malaga warehouse, spending three days a week sorting and making sure donated puzzles and board games are complete and ready for sale. 

She said the time she had spent volunteering was her favourite part of her week. 

“Being in the warehouse is good for me to get out of the house and talk to more people and it’s great to have something to do that you know is impacting people,” she said.

Save the Children is a global not-for-profit organisation working to protect and provide for children and help them access education and health services, operating in more than 120 countries. 

Volunteers like Ms Butler run fundraising drives for Save the Children like UWA’s annual book sales, operate more than 20 op shops in Perth alone, and sort through warehouse stock to get quality items out to shops.  

“There’s so many donations, and we have to sort through everything so when it gets to the shops the volunteers there know everything is quality-approved and ready to sell,” Ms Butler said. 

Volunteering WA’s 2023 State of volunteering report revealed that 65.1 per cent of WA residents volunteer in some capacity: more than 1.5 million people.  

This year’s Volunteer Week theme is Something for everyone: a reminder that you can donate your time to any cause close to your heart. 

Ms Butler said chasing a change of lifestyle after retirement got her into volunteering and the decision had since made her realise the importance of time spent helping others. 

“Many hands make a warehouse like this work, so it’s important for people to come and help out when they can. I think everyone should volunteer. It’s great for you and it’s great for the community. You’re never wasting your time when it’s for a good cause.” 

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