Western Power says once installed advanced meters also allow for remote meter readings so there’s no need to send a meter reader to site.

Digital electricity meter roll out secures network

The advanced meters also allow for remote meter readings so there’s no need to send a meter reader to site.
July 27, 2023

WESTERN Power says it has installed 600,000 advanced meters across the South West interconnected system with some in the cities of Swan and Kalamunda as well as the shires of Mundaring, Northam, York and Toodyay.

Advanced meters are digital electricity meters that transmit encrypted data to Western Power’s systems allowing them to more easily monitor energy flows, calculate bills, and detect faults and supply issues, creating a safer, cleaner and more secure network.

Western Power finance and regulation executive manager Jacqui Hall said advanced meters allowed them to remotely monitor the network, enabling the early detection of connection faults and supply issues, which promoted network safety.

The advanced meters also allow for remote meter readings so there’s no need to send a meter reader to site, reducing safety risks, operational expenditure and access issues.

“With traditional electricity meters, if we are unable to gain access, we have to take an estimate reading which then results in an estimated bill for customers,’’ she said.

“Advanced meters reduce the need for that which means more accurate billing for customers.

“They also provide 30-minute interval data which means customers can see updates to their usage more frequently and better manage their electricity consumption.”

Ms Hall said advanced meters are also a key enabler to WA’s exciting energy transformation.

“Advanced meters provide more frequent and timely data and improve visibility of the network which helps us to manage load demand.

“Managing load demand is essential to connecting more renewables – decarbonisation simply can’t happen without advanced meters.

“This milestone of 600,000 advanced meters puts us right on track to deliver on our target to convert the entire network to advanced meters by 2027.”

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