The building which would house the kitchen on Foxton Boulevard in High Wycombe. Picture: Gera Kazakov

Green light for High Wycombe commercial kitchen

Six City of Kalamunda councillors voted to approve the commercial kitchen while three were against.
December 14, 2023
Gera Kazakov

A PROPOSED commercial kitchen in High Wycombe – which was opposed by a petition with 45 signatories – has been approved by the City of Kalamunda.

At the December 12 ordinary council meeting, councillors voted to approve the development application for a commercial kitchen on Foxton Boulevard in High Wycombe with amendments to the officer’s recommendations after much debate.

The City of Kalamunda officer report stated that the applicant had adequately addressed the potential amenity impacts through the assessment process and that the conditions imposed will ensure ongoing compliance is achieved.

However, deputy mayor Dylan O’Connor amended the operating hours of the premises from 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to only being operational Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm.

“I don’t believe a 24-hour kitchen is appropriate in this area,” he said.

“The residents who purchased and moved into the surrounding housing would have a reasonable expectation of what to expect in terms of impact on their amenity and that’s why I propose these hours, Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm.”

Councillors Brooke O’Donnell, Mary Cannon and Geoff Stallard were against Cr O’Connor’s amendments, citing reasons that the owners had not been consulted about the change in hours and the potential impact that could have on their business.

Council passed the amended motion for the site with six councillors for and three against.

A previous petition had concerns over the potential smell the kitchen could create, exhaust fan  noise, heavy vehicle frequency and potential increased vermin.

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