Minister Hannah Beazley recently visited the York ORV site meeting with motorbike enthusiasts and Shire of York President Kevin Trent. Picture: Sam McLeod

Increased penalties for illegal off-road vehicle usage

New laws designed to protect the surrounding environment from illegal off-road vehicle usage have been introduced.
June 27, 2024
Peter W Lewis

NEW laws that will see increased penalties for the use of off-road vehicles (ORVs) in prohibited areas, riding dangerously or riding an unregistered ORV, which can damage the surrounding environment have been introduced to Parliament.

The Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Amendment Bill 2024 updates legislation from the 1970s and will see penalties increased from $1000 to $5000 to deter illegal activity and anti-social behaviour.

In other changes, registrations will soon be able to be completed online to make it easier for riders to register their vehicles and allow for the use of registration stickers as an alternative to ORV registration plates.

ORVs include trail bikes, quad bikes, all-terrain vehicles and golf carts, and must be registered to be ridden on ORV areas. Registration funds are reinvested into ORV areas.

According to Local Government Minister Hannah Beazley the reforms are expected to improve the funding available to support local governments to build, upgrade, and maintain ORV areas.

“Our government recently secured the future of the popular Pinjar ORV area, as part of the decision to end pine harvesting in the Gnangara State Forest, which will support the endangered black cockatoo,” Ms Beazley said.

“Local governments, such as the Shire of York, do great work in providing high-quality ORV areas.

“Thank you to the Off-Road Vehicles Advisory Committee and the Recreational Trailbike Riders Association of WA for their advocacy and work to support off-road riding in Western Australia.

“Western Australians love being outdoors, with more enjoying what our great State has to offer as off-road vehicle users.”

She said the legislation was another step forward in the state government’s ongoing work to support safe, legal and environmentally conscious off-road vehicle riding.

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