Nationals leader Shane Love.

Live sheep export ban devastating for regional families say Nationals

Nationals leader Shane Love slammed the federal Labor Government for imposing a time limit on debate in the Senate this week.
July 4, 2024

THE Nationals WA have labelled the passage of Labor’s live sheep export ban through Federal Parliament this week a devastating decision for families, businesses and communities across regional WA.

Nationals WA leader Shane Love called the decision “a gut punch to regional WA.”

“Our livestock industry is the lifeblood of many regional communities, supporting thousands of jobs and injecting millions into our local economies. Many communities will struggle to survive without this industry,” Mr Love said.

“Despite this, the federal Labor Government has stubbornly refused to listen to the pleas of thousands of West Australians and has rammed through an ideological ban that will devastate farming families and communities.”

This week, delegates from WA’s livestock sector visited Canberra in a last-ditch attempt to convince federal MPs to oppose Labor’s ban.

“The ‘Keep the Sheep’ campaign presented a petition with more than 63,000 signatures opposing the ban, yet the Labor Party turned their back on hardworking WA families in a political decision aimed at winning more votes in Melbourne and Sydney,” Mr Love said.

“Every single Labor representative from WA should be ashamed of their actions in Parliament this week. You were elected to represent your electorate and WA, and you have sold us out.”

Mr Love also slammed the federal Labor Government for guillotining debate in the Senate this week.

“When you are making a decision that will impact the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people, the least you can do is listen to their concerns and respect process.

“Just like the WA Labor party has done with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and the Firearms Act, federal Labor has shown they are drunk on power by gagging debate on this important issue.”

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