Durrack MHR Melissa Price at the Muresk enquiry.

Live sheep export inquiry a kangaroo court says MP

Federal member for Durack Melissa Price slammed the enquiry for its lack of sensitivity to the struggle of affected farmers.
June 27, 2024

THE federal Parliament’s Agriculture Committee has handed down the advisory report for its inquiry into the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024.

The committee’s public hearing held recently at Muresk, attended by the federal member for Durack, Melissa Price, took evidence from a range of stakeholders representing industry, government, local communities and animal welfare groups.

The inquiry received more than 13,000 contributions from people supporting and opposing the bill and offering feedback on its contents.

Ms Price said to date, it appeared only 663 submissions had been uploaded on to their website, and she questioned how many have actually been taken into consideration.

“The outcome was just as we expected from this ‘kangaroo court’ of an inquiry; nothing has changed. What a complete waste of time and energy for all involved,” she said.

“The farmers and industry stakeholders took time out of their very busy schedules to attend and give evidence, and for what? They have had their heartfelt pleas and genuine supportive evidence shoved back into their faces.

“Whilst some committee members hurried off back to their city homes to have lamb chops for dinner, our farmers returned to the reality of their own lives, with their future in doubt.”

She said in addition to recommending that the bill be passed, the committee has made two recommendations, albeit weasel words.

These are that the federal government considers making additional funding available to support the industry transition, potentially through the 2026 stocktake of industry progress; and continues to seek opportunities to work with the WA government to refine and implement the transition support package.

“This bill represents complete and absolute treachery from Labor to Western Australian farmers and regional communities within the electorate of Durack and indeed all of regional WA,” she said.

“Our animal welfare standards continue to be among the highest in the world. The consequences of this legislation are not merely political; they are deeply personal and devastating to the livelihoods of hardworking Western Australians who rely on this industry,’’ she said.

To access the full report go to www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Commi
ttees/House/Ag riculture/LiveSheepExport

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