The Helena Street closure detour map highlights alternative pedestrian and vehicle crossing points available between July 10 and 12.

Metronet disruption for nearby Cale Street residents a concern

Metronet developments on Cale Street have raised concerns surrounding traffic redirection.
June 27, 2024
Mike Peeters

NOT everyone is happy with the new Midland Metronet station project with resident Aaron Cooper witnessing firsthand the disruption caused by the Cale Street level crossing roadworks as he lives on the corner directly facing the works.

Mr Cooper said he was not looking forward to the closure of the nearby Helena Street level crossing on July 10, 2024.

“There are already 4000 cars a day using the Cale Street crossing, and this will only increase when the Helena Street crossing closes,” said Mr Cooper.

“Following the Helena Street closure, the disruption from trains running back to Bellevue for maintenance will also rise to I believe, at least 70 to 100 trains per night; with a subsequent increase in the use of the lights and bells at the crossing.”

He said he had approached Metronet to help mitigate the problem but received no concrete answers, only ‘band aid’ solutions that did not go far enough.

Public Transport Authority (PTA) spokesperson David Hynes said the Helena Street level crossing would close permanently at 7am on July 10, 2024 to allow for works to continue on the new station building, platforms and overpass across the rail.

“This new part of the station will be built to the east of the existing Midland station, partially where the Helena Street crossing is now,” he said.

“Once the Helena Street level crossing is closed, vehicles and pedestrians will be able to use the newly created Cale Street level crossing scheduled to open on July 12.

“An alternative crossing point is also available at Morrison Road.

“There will be a 48-hour transition period where both level crossings will be closed due to safety commissioning testing.”

He said the agency communicated ongoing changes to the community well in advance, as well as providing alternate travel options to help mitigate disruptions through a wide range of communication channels.

“These include letters with fact sheets to residents and businesses, outdoor signage, social media and website updates and information to relevant local governments to share on their channels,” said Mr Hynes.

“Residents and businesses are encouraged to contact the project communication team with any questions or concerns about the works.”

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