Shire of Mundaring representatives were in Canberra last week, discussing funding for infrastructure and telecommunications.

Mundaring strengthen their ties in Canberra

Shire of Mundaring President and Deputy President touch down at the capital looking to upgrade infrastructure and telecommunications back at home.
July 12, 2024

LAST week marked a significant moment for the Shire of Mundaring to champion the needs and advocate on behalf of its community.

Shire President Paige McNeil and deputy president Trish Cook attended the 2024 National General Assembly in Canberra to discuss community challenges and opportunities.

Ms McNeil and Ms Cook are actively engaging with key federal ministers, advocating for investment in infrastructure projects and enhanced telecommunications connectivity.

They emphasised the importance of community needs being front and centre on the national agenda as the federal election approaches. Ms McNeil expressed her appreciation for the support and contribution across all levels of government.

“When federal, state and local governments work together we are able to deliver the very best outcomes for our community and I’m confident that our advocacy shone a light on the opportunities and challenges we face in the Shire of Mundaring that require support from the federal government,” she said.

During a meeting with Infrastructure Minister Catherine King, the council members highlighted the unique opportunity to create a contemporary heart in the Mundaring town centre.

The multi-story, multi-purpose cultural hub is envisioned to showcase local artists, celebrate the region’s rich history, and attract tourism.

Additionally, they stressed the urgent need for funding to upgrade the outdated and aging sporting clubrooms to foster inclusivity and accessibility, supporting the growing participation in sports across the shire.

In discussions with both the communications minister and shadow minister, Ms McNeil and Ms Cook sought support to eliminate blackspots and explore off-grid power solutions. These measures aim to enhance safety and emergency preparedness, particularly during critical events.

Looking ahead, further meetings with state ministers will be secured to ensure council’s advocacy priorities are well understood before the state election in March 2025.

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