Residents can keep up to date on the new strategy through the shire’s Engage Mundaring portal.

Mundaring’s planning scheme under review

The Shire of Mundaring is reviewing its planning scheme so Mundaring’s future developments can be more sustainable.
September 5, 2024

SHIRE of Mundaring is embarking on a significant review of its local planning scheme and strategy to guide future land use and development.

Following the shire’s successful application, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has endorsed the ‘scheme review report’, setting the stage for responsible development and growth.

The process will unfold in three stages, beginning with the preparation of a ‘land use planning strategy’, the findings and recommendations of which will then assist with preparing the new local planning strategy, as well as the creation of the new local planning scheme.

Each stage will be community-focused and involve extensive public consultation to ensure that the needs and aspirations of residents are central to the planning process.

Shire President Paige McNeil said the new scheme and strategy will be guided by the principles outlined in the recently adopted council plan and will work towards delivering on the shire’s vision of being the place for sustainable living.

“Everyone in our shire can be excited by the creation of a new and contemporary local planning scheme and local planning strategy that will align to our community’s identified needs,” she said.

“The WAPC’s endorsement of a new local planning scheme will help us plan and achieve sustainable growth and responsible development, enhancing our shire’s future planning outcomes for the benefit of us all.

“This forward-thinking approach aims to ensure that future growth is responsible, reflecting the Shire’s commitment to a sustainable future.”

Updates on the next stages of the new strategy and scheme will be available on the shire’s Engage Mundaring portal.

For any queries, the shire’s planning department can be contacted on (08) 9290 6740 or via

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