Ruby’s is a new program in Western Australia's to prevent youth homelessness.

New diversion program helps combat youth homelessness

Ruby's is a program providing accommodation for the young and vulnerable while household conditions stabilise.
June 20, 2024

PARKERVILLE Children and Youth Care will launch Ruby’s, an innovative two and a half year pilot program dedicated to curbing youth homelessness in Perth, on July 1.

Designed to empower at-risk youth aged 12 to 17 and their families, Ruby’s aims to prevent homelessness by fostering family stability and providing essential support to address the heightened risk of adult homelessness for individuals who experienced it in childhood.

By prioritising family reunification and stability, the program focuses on restoring the family unit, enhancing communication, and promoting cooperation among family members, and through customised support tailored to each family’s needs, Ruby’s aims to mitigate the long-term effects of homelessness on young people.

The initiative is supported by a joint funding partnership between the Department of Communities and the Sisters of St John of God, underscoring a shared commitment to addressing youth homelessness and investing in the well-being of vulnerable community members.

“We are thrilled to launch Ruby’s in partnership with the Department of Communities and the Sisters of St John of God,” Parkerville Children and Youth Care chief executive officer Kim Brooklyn said.

“This initiative represents a significant step forward in our collective efforts to prevent youth homelessness and support families in need.”

An evaluation component will be implemented over the first two years to measure the program’s impact and effectiveness in transforming the lives of young people and their families.

“We believe that every young person deserves a safe and stable home environment,” Ms Brooklyn said.

“Through Ruby’s, we are committed to working closely with young people and their families to address the root causes of homelessness and create lasting solutions.”

Ruby’s will be offering safe accommodation for up to six young people per night, while working with the whole family to address the areas that are preventing the young person from living at home on a full time basis.

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