Central Wheatbelt MLA Mia Davies says the new seat of Bullwinkel would benefit from her party’s commonsense approach in Canberra. Picture: Angie Roe Photography

New seat is worth considering 

Mia Davies confirmed she discussed the new Bullwinkel electorate with David Littleproud.
July 4, 2024
Anita McInnes

CENTRAL Wheatbelt MLA Mia Davies has given the strongest indications so far that she is seriously considering standing for the new federal seat in Western Australia.

Last month on a visit to WA federal Nationals leader David Littleproud said publicly he would be keen to see Ms Davies in federal Parliament.

On Tuesday Echo News asked Ms Davies if Mr Littleproud had given her some time to think about whether she wanted to stand for the new seat or had she already given him her decision.

In response Ms Davies said the newly created federal electorate of Bullwinkel was worth serious consideration and confirmed she had had discussions with Mr Littleproud and others since the release of the boundaries.

In her earlier responses Ms Davies, who announced her resignation as opposition leader, Nationals WA leader and her decision not to recontest the 2025 state election on January 27 last year, did not rule out running for the new seat.

She mainly talked about her current role keeping her busy until March 2025 but at the same time said contesting the new seat was important.

On June 17 Ms Davies told ABC Mornings that there were plenty of things to get angry with the federal government about particularly if you come from regional and Western Australia.

This week she also told Echo News there were no shortage of issues impacting the communities in the electorate that would benefit from her party’s common sense approach in Canberra.

“Despite the wealth generated here in WA, Labor has failed to address cost of living pressures, housing shortages and the lack of affordable and accessible health services in across these communities,’’ she said.

“And in regional WA, the attack on our farming and small business sector linked to live sheep export has been despicable.

“Labor have traded away the livelihoods of WA families and communities for a preference deal with activists to win suburban seats in Melbourne and Sydney.’’

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