PTA spokesperson David Hynes says the PTA acknowledges the feedback and will continue monitoring the crossing now that it's opened. Picture: Guanhao Cheng

PTA responds to Cale St noise and traffic worries

The Public Transport Authority have responded to comments raised in last week's report about the noise penetrating nearby residences and possible traffic hazards for drivers.
July 25, 2024
Guanhao Cheng

The Public Transport Authority (PTA) says it is continuing to do all it can to minimise the impact the new Cale Street crossing has on the community and will monitor the traffic and noise for further changes.

In Cale Street crossing uproar, it was reported the noise from the level crossing opening was disturbing residents and the new traffic configuration raised safety concerns.

PTA spokesperson David Hynes said the new level crossing would maintain connectivity into the town centre and ensure traffic and pedestrians could cross the rail corridor safely.

“Because we take passenger and pedestrian safety very seriously, the level crossing and pedestrian crossing at Cale Street, like all such crossings on the PTA network, will be protected by flashing lights, boom gates, bells, crossing gates and signage,” he said.

“Our project team has made a series of temporary and minor modifications to help the community navigate the new configuration.

“These measures will be continuously monitored and reviewed by the PTA, Main Roads and the local government.

“CCTV traffic monitoring is in place to help with this review.”

Mr Hynes said the safety of the community and the project’s workers was paramount.

“Residents have been encouraged to report all traffic violations to both the project and the local police, who can enforce action,” he said.

“We acknowledge noise and light pollution concerns raised by some residents near the level crossing, and we will continue to explore options.

“Now that the crossing is operational, we are monitoring noise levels to ensure that any response will be effective in addressing issues raised.”

Mr Hynes said the PTA would continue engaging with the community on concerns related to the new crossing.

“The dedicated project team has engaged extensively with the local community on works associated with the Midland Station project and continues to do so,” he said.

“This includes a large volume of information in the lead-up to the closure of the Helena Street level crossing and the opening of the Cale Street level crossing.

“We will continue to make every effort to minimise the impact of the new crossing to the local community.”

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