Woodlupine Primary School students.

Woodlupine students get visit from Healthy Harold

Woodlupine students from Kindergarten to Year 6 explored the topics of cyber safety, positive and respectful relationships and safety.
May 30, 2024

LIFE Ed, including its iconic mascot Healthy Harold, visited students at Woodlupine Primary School earlier this month to deliver lessons for life, thanks to the support of the Thrive Children’s Fund.

As part of the visit, Woodlupine students from Kindergarten to Year 6 explored the topics of cyber safety, positive and respectful relationships, and safety, with Woolworths supplying the school community with free fresh fruit to fuel learning.

Life Ed’s Thrive Children’s Fund was set up to ensure more children, schools and communities in rural, remote and low socio-economic areas are able to access the latest evidence-based learning modules, so young people can develop long lasting critical life skills.

Woolworths is the foundation partner of the fund, contributing $250,000 over the past two years which has helped more than 12,000 kids across the country benefit from the Life Ed program.

“Research tells us that educating children before they are exposed to a particular issue gives them the best chance at making informed decisions.

"That’s why we focus on prevention in the formative years,” Educator at Life Ed WA Gina Natale said.
“Each of our modules is designed to teach kids about topics they may soon confront in their world, helping them to practice making healthy choices within a safe environment.

We’re so pleased to be able to deliver our program to students at Woodlupine Primary School, to give them every opportunity to thrive now and into the future.

In addition to Life Ed’s memorable face-to-face Healthy Harold visit, the not-for-profit provides pre and post visit resources and support for teachers and parents, including on-demand videos and discussion guides to continue the conversation in and beyond the classroom.

“Life Ed, and the famous Healthy Harold, have played an important role in educating young Australians on a range of important topics including health and nutrition,” Woolworths head of community and sponsorships Sarah De La Mare said.

For more information, visit www.lifeed.org.au

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