The newest funding will help deliver the electrical infrastructure needed at the new building project. Picture: Falconer Brown

Youth crisis transitional housing boost

Indigo Junction has received funding to pay for electrical infrastructure for a new accommodation building for young people.
February 6, 2025
Guanhao Cheng

THE state government has announced an injection of more than $423,000 into Midland’s Indigo Junction to help pay for electrical infrastructure costs.

The amount will be granted as part of the $80 million infrastructure development fund to boost housing supply.

A DPLH document shows Indigo Junction as a successful applicant for the funding and the money would be used to install a distribution transformer to support delivery of the new building.

The new building’s journey started in 2023 when Indigo Junction secured $5.67m under the state government’s social housing economic recovery package to construct a new youth crisis and transitional accommodation service.

Last year, Indigo Junction received $5m to fully refurbish the current six-bed youth house by connecting the existing building with a new landmark building to be constructed next door, as reported in Indigo Junction receives $5m grant for two major projects.

Indigo Junction chief executive officer Sharon Gough said in May last year, as reported in Indigo Junction break cycle of disadvantage, that a further $4m of funding would help realise the vision of a new landmark housing facility.

The construction of the new building would combine with refurbishment of existing facilities to provide 36 new housing availabilities for young people.

Ms Gough said all going well, the new service in the landmark building would be operational by August this year.

The funds will  help with costs for essential water, electricity, and sewerage.

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