Farmers Federation backs Keep the Sheep

The WA campaign to keep the sheep live export industry operating has garnered the support of the National Farmers’ Federation as they take the protest to Canberra.
September 5, 2024
Peter W Lewis

WA’s Keep the Sheep campaign has gained the support of the National Farmers' Federation (NFF) who have agreed to back their protest and rally on the steps of Parliament House in Canberra on September 10.

Keep the Sheep campaign organiser Ben Sutherland said the NFF joining the rally was a big deal.

“It means that farmers right across the country are standing with us. And it's not just sheep exports where the government isn't listening with new taxes, water buybacks, environmental red and green tape, and transmission lines carving up prime agricultural land,” Mr Sutherland said.

“For too long, the Albanese government has listened to noisy activists to the detriment of our farmers and rural communities. It needs to stop.

“The government needs to get out of the way and let us do what we do best – feeding and clothing the world.”

The campaign has also gained the support of the young farmers advocacy group, AgConnectWA, who have begun fundraising in the fight of farmers and the farming industry.

“Importantly, however, this support shows that young people who want a future in sheep farming are not just laying down and giving up,” Mr Sutherland said.

The young farmers raised more than $30,000 for the Keep the Sheep campaign at a sold-out fundraising gala ball held last week, bringing the fundraising war chest to more than $500,000 for advertising in marginal Labor seats in WA.

The Keep the Sheep online petition has already attracted more than 87,000 signatures, far exceeding its original goal of 60,000 signatures.

The online petition and further information on the ban can be found at

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