Cassius Turvey’s family and friends gathered on Tuesday for the unveiling of a memorial concept at Weeip Park.

Memorial highlights 15 important words

July 12, 2023
Morgan de Smidt

Published Echo News March 24, 2023

ON Harmony Day the proposed memorial concept design to remember the life of 15-year-old Cassius Turvey was unveiled at Weeip Park.
A special event was held on Tuesday where Cassius’ mother Mechelle Turvey announced the design of the reflection space honouring her son’s legacy and the young people he grew up with, which included a memorial plaque with 15 qualities he embodied in his 15 years.
“We have taken into account the legacy that Cassius had within his 15 years and how we look at bringing that forward and how we inspire other young ones within the community, throughout Midland and communities across our country and hopefully globally,” Ms Turvey said.
Ms Turvey, Cassius’ aunty Robyn Corbett and uncle Roger Turvey selected their niece Rachel May and her daughter, Cassius’ niece, Sharlise Gibson to assemble the written words for the plaque.
“Together we looked at a message that mum sent to nana Mechelle, it was about how uncle Cassius inspired people and how in his 15 years was such a big influence in his family, friends, school and in his community,” Sharlise said.
“Uncle Cassius had a way of making everyone feel valued no matter who they were or where they came from.”
The pair whittled down a long list of values and qualities Cassius embodied down to 15, symbolising Forever 15.
The words are; courageous, confident, respectful, teamwork, encouraging, sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, kind, loyal, leadership, sharing, empowering, integrity, trustful, responsible and supportive.
Sharlise said the pair wanted the words on the plaque to help people not only reflect but feel safe and comfortable.
“We even came out to the park here and would read out loud what we came up with, when it didn’t sound great we wrote it again and again,” she said.
“Finally we felt we had something to give nana Mechelle…then we read it out one last time and we couldn’t help but smile and feel good.
“We were smiling because it felt like uncle Cassius was here with us and was smiling too.”
A second event to unveil the final installation is being planned.

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