Mechelle Turvey embraces the Lawnmower Boys - Deagan Reynolds, Tishawn Penny, Waylon Hill and Juantah Paton.

Moving forward after Cassius

July 13, 2023
Anita McInnes

Published Echo News June 23, 2023

CASSIUS Turvey’s mother Mechelle has delivered a powerful message to the young people affected by his death.
On Tuesday during an appreciation announcement she said while she was there to carry on Cassius’ legacy of being a mentor and leader, who people went to when they had a problem, she would not do it alone.
“You kids in Midland are going to help me, you understand what I’m saying?
“Cassius would not want people mourning day and night for him.
“That’s why he had that smile on his face. He had hope.’’
She said Cassius may not have had all the answers but he gave everything he had to be helpful.
On October 13 last year the Noongar-Yamatji boy was walking with friends in Middle Swan when he was allegedly attacked with a metal pole.
After five days in hospital Cassius was sent home where he suffered a seizure and two strokes.
He was placed in an induced coma but died on October 23.
This year the four people charged with his murder have pleaded not guilty and are due in court again next month when a trial date is expected to be announced.
In honour of her son Mechelle Turvey gave $20,000 each to Koya Aboriginal Corporation, Binar Futures and the Swan City Youth Services along with $5000 to the Lawnmower Boys.
Deagan Reynolds of Herne Hill and Tishawn Penny of Stratton said Cassius started Lawnmower Boys in Year 9 and asked them to join.
“It definitely stopped going on after he passed but we wanted to start it up again for him as a dedication to him,’’ Tishawn said.
The teenagers said it was tough carrying it on without their friend.
“Yes, it definitely is, because he was the one that usually knocked on the doors.
“Us boys were a bit shy to do it, but yeah.’’

Binar Futures founder Adam Desmond said Mrs Turvey’s call for the young people to return to the social and support activities provided for them was really important.
“I think there’s a lot of kids that have probably avoided certain places like SCYC, school etc because it brings too many memories,’’ he said.
“But like she said, it’s something that is really important for the healing, to move forward and like she said Cassius would want the best for them.”
With the funding given to Binar Futures, Mr Desmond said what came to mind was a youth development camp in Cassius’ name.
“So something that was not a sport-based camp or anything like that.
“I think it would be something we would try and have as an ongoing thing.
“It would probably be aimed at all youth from all different backgrounds, but we would certainly have his close friends and our young leaders shape what that looks like.
“So we can really be a camp around helping find the individual strengths that everyone has got inside them – that’s the sort of camp we want to lead towards, but it’s very early days we’ve got a lot of planning to do in that space.’’

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