Swan council votes for Henley Brook Ave enviro study
An environmental assessment for the proposed Henley Brooke Avenue is being looked into after residents raised concerns about its effects on bushland and wetlands.
Kalamunda council approved a Forrestfield family’s year-long request to remove two trees from their property, despite an officer’s recommendation to retain them.
The Shire of Mundaring is calling on private landowners to help in the effort to conserve local bushland and native wildlife habits by opening their homes.
Public comment is now open for Mundaring residents wishing to provide feedback on a draft heritage list which aims to record and safeguard the area’s historical assets.
Kalamunda will host a climate and environment forum with Bullwinkel candidates and experts discussing forest protection, water security and how policy will protect the hills’ environment.
St John of God Midland is offering small grants of up to $2500 to boost community wellbeing, especially for youth, Indigenous people and disability carers.